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Hey-O Nursing Beat Friends!

Today is Tiny Human Trivia Tuesday! (Say that five times fast.) 

👶 How many bones are babies actually born with? (Hint: It’s way more than 206.) Click here to find out!

Today's Top Beats

🐷 Pig Heart Replacement 

😷 The Mask Clash Continues

🪦 The Fall of Babylon 

editor picture

Memento vivere,
Kelly McClure
Managing Editor

grounding image

Photo by Deborah Kotz/University of Maryland School of Medicine/AP


Don’t Go Bacon My Heart

For the second time ever, doctors have successfully replaced a man’s failing heart with a pig heart, notching another win for innovative transplant medicine in the face of long waiting lists. Lawrence Faucette, a 58-year-old Navy veteran and a former NIH vaccine researcher, had end-stage cardiovascular disease and would have died without the eight-hour procedure at the University of Maryland, the same institution to perform the first pig heart transplant in January 2022. Hear his optimism in this pre-surgery video. 

The Mask Clash Continues

Once more, the National Nurses United union isn’t happy with the CDC’s proposed masking standards in hospitals. The CDC’s draft guidance—to be voted on in November—claims protection between N95s and surgical masks to be the same and would loosen recommendations for protection against Covid, flu, and other endemic pathogens. The NNU says the “anti-science” draft recs—contradicting the CDC’s February 2022 report findings—put nurses and other healthcare workers at risk.

Mitigating Climate Change 

A new position statement released by the American Nurses Association urges the nursing profession to take an active role in mitigating the effects of climate change, including incorporating education about climate change’s impact on health and adaptation strategies into nursing curricula. Nurses can’t stop climate change, but they can educate patients about its risks and coping strategies while also advocating for policies that improve sustainability, reduce carbon emissions, and promote energy and water conservation at their institutions.



The percentage increase in the number of people waiting for heart transplants between 2008 and 2019.



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Image generated by Nurse Manny using Midjourney

The Fall of Babylon

The high-flying telehealth startup Babylon Health has fallen. The London-based company, once valued at nearly $2 billion, filed for bankruptcy this month after losing several significant contracts in the UK.

Babylon rose to prominence by promising AI-powered remote care but was plagued by questions about its technology and business model. Clinicians raised concerns about patient safety, and financial losses mounted as the company pursued aggressive expansion. Its share price plummeted after going public in 2021.

For nurses, this is a cautionary tale. The promises of AI and telehealth are exciting, but replacing human clinicians is difficult. As caregivers, we understand the importance of rapport, trust, and holistic care. Silicon Valley hype and profits can't replace compassion and critical thinking at the bedside. Babylon's story is a reminder to advocate for time with patients over tech fixes. Our practice must be grounded in clinical expertise, not just algorithms.

tech tuesday headshot

Nurse Manny is passionate about leveraging health tech for better patient care. Want him to review your tech? Email him!


Your Feedback Counts

Join us in shaping The Nursing Beat by sharing your thoughts in a short survey for a chance to win one of 50 x $5 Starbucks gift cards.


Disasters and Dementia

Disasters due to natural and man-made causes, and increases in the number of dementia patients requiring caregivers, compel nurses to boost preparedness efforts on behalf of vulnerable populations.


Turn Off the Light

This lightweight, contoured Nidra sleep mask blocks out all light for a better night’s (or day’s!) sleep.


The Scoop on Goop

Gwyneth Paltrow launched her brand, Goop, to promote wellness and alternative health practices. However, are these practices that she promotes indeed medically safe or healthy? Watch Dr. Mike Varshavski, D.O., debunk the truth behind Gwyneth Paltrow and her Goop.


Un-Charted: Nurses Talking Biz

October 11, 2023 | Chicago, IL

Join SafeSeizure & The Nursing Beat, two nurse-driven companies, for an intimate evening of mingling and networking at The J. Parker rooftop at the Hotel Lincoln. Tickets are free and spots are limited! Register here.


Follow up with us tomorrow to find out what “martyr complex” is from Tara at Debriefing The Front Lines!

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