Together with Subway
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FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024


Good Morning, Nurses!

It’s Friday, and as Nurses Week ramps down for 2024, know that we at TNB will keep cheering you on all year long! That said, the party’s not over yet, so be sure to enter here for a chance to win some spectacular prizes from CeraVe, connectRN, and Subway.Β 

If you’re working or on call this weekend, we salute you. Whatever you’re up to, we hope you can finish this Nurses Week strong, knowing you have all our respect and support!

Today's Top Beats

⏳ One Last Chance
🤜 Nurses Week Fight

📈 Credit Score Boost

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Stay Spectacular!

Abby McCoy

Interim Managing Editor

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Nurses Week Giveaway

TNB is celebratingΒ YOU this Nurses Week. Enter to win a CeraVe skincare gift box, a Subway gift card, or $100 in AmEx cash from connectRN here. Because You deserve it.


The Fight for Nurses Week

It took around 40 years for nurses to receive national recognition, a fight that began in 1953 with a proposal for a Nurse Day. Several attempts were made throughout the following decades, including proposals for National Nurses Week in October and National Registered Nurse Day. A breakthrough came in 1974 when the US established National Nurses Week following the International Council of Nurses' declaration of International Nurses Day. Nurses continued their efforts, and by 1993, May 6–12 was permanently designated as National Nurses Week.

Nursing Home Pushback

The Biden administration's proposal for minimum staffing levels in nursing homes has received extensive feedback, highlighting issues like neglect and medication mismanagement. Horror stories include a resident resorting to using a bullhorn to get attention from nurses, staff reportedly tossing out medications because they didn’t have the time to dispense them to residents, and more. Despite intense industry resistance, CMS is moving forward with the plan, aiming to improve care standards.

Keys to Retention

Improving pay and nurse-to-patient ratios are vital steps to fixing our nurse retention crisis, but new research suggests the relationship dynamics between nurses and leadership, peers, and patients may be an unrecognized factor. A report from the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing’s R3 initiative revealed that while so-called transactional interventions like compensation, improved schedules, and professional development opportunities are crucial, the need for deeper connections and understanding between nurses and key stakeholders is being overlooked. You can check out their podcast here.


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A Toast to Nurse Week

Hop aboard the Subway express this Nurses Week and get ready for some mouthwatering, freshly crafted Subway meals, with flavors that'll make your taste buds dance.Β 

Need a way to spice up your next staff meeting? Or maybe you want to treat your department to an 0300 meal? Subway has you covered. That's why Subway's catering services are here to make your gatherings pop with their delicious fixings and endless options.

We know you and your squad work tirelessly for your patients and you deserve to be spoiled this Nurses Week so TNB has teamed up with Subway to give 40 nurses $25 of Subway for Nurses Week. Enter our giveaway here.



The number of physician associates/assistants in the US at the end of 2023, up from 95,583 at the end of 2013. Can you guess which state currently has the most PAs? Click here to find out.



Credit Score CPR

Your credit score is the pulse of your financial health, and tracking it is as non-negotiable as Q4H vitals. In the eyes of lenders, the higher the score, the more financially stable you are as a borrower. This means lower interest rates and higher credit limits!Β 

A credit score over 700 is generally considered good. Experian–one of three major US credit bureaus–explains in this post what your credit rating means to financial institutions and offers suggestions for how to improve it.Β 

If your credit score could use resuscitation, don't worry! The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau provides guidance on how to improve your credit in this article. You can even sign up for free credit monitoring services that alert you to changes on your credit report.

Don’t let your credit score flatline–join here and let us help you bring it back to life! Monitor your credit score and find ways to increase it!

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Savannah Arroyo, MSN, RN is the founder of Networth Nurse and InvestHealth. Connect with her here.

Did you miss our last newsletter? Click here.


Cute Highlighter Badge Clips

These adorable happy pill mini highlighters come in six different colors and can easily clip onto your badge reel!


Happy Foodie Friday!

Are you looking for an easy meal prep recipe that is high in protein and low in carbs and calories? Check out this easy recipe with an Asian twist that will keep you satisfied!


Happy Nurses Week! TNB is celebrating our community this week with a giveaway brought to you by CeraVe, connectRN, and Subway. Enter here. You don't want to miss this.



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