Read today’s Morning Brief to learn about the nurses that saved Sea View Hospital in NYC.
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Hey-O Nursing Beat Friends!

It’s no secret that everyone gets constipated from time to time. However, if you lived in Victorian times, you probably weren’t reaching for the Milk of Mag to relieve your discomfort. It was more likely that you were following the instructions inside the Merck Manual of the day and dosed yourself with strychnine, opium, or even turpentine, to get the clog out of the pipes (metaphorically speaking). The thought was that these formulations actually improved gastric motility.

I think it’s definitely safe to say that these recommendations were phased out as medicine advanced.Β 

Today's Top Beats

👩🏾β€βš•οΈ Saviors of Sea View
🦠 RSV Awareness

🎃 Powerful Pumpkin Spice

editor picture

Memento vivere,
Kelly McClure
Managing Editor


NYC’s Heroic Black Nurses

In 1929, white nurses quit in droves at Sea View, New York’s largest (now-abandoned) municipal hospital, where one in seven people with tuberculosis died. Desperate to address the shortage, the city recruited Black nurses from the South with offers of better pay and freedom from the South’s racism. But these Black Angels, as they became known, suffered horrible conditions and continuing racism as they saved lives for decades, as a New York TimesΒ article and upcoming book describe.

Um, What’s RSV?

An estimated 60,000 to 120,000 older adults are hospitalized, and 6,000 to 10,000 die every year in the US from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and now we finally have vaccines to prevent it. But vaccines only work if people get them, and seven in ten adults over 50 haven’t heard about the vaccine, found a new survey from the University of Chicago’s NORC. Six in ten adults over 50 don’t even know what RSV is.

Not A Good Swap

Oklahoma nurse Rebecca Holloway is facing felony charges after she confessedΒ to replacing patients’ pain medications with water to use the fentanyl herself. A couple states over, Kentucky nurse Abigail Hall is facing charges for nearly the same thing: stealing patients’ morphine and replacing it with blue-colored water. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing has various resources for substance use disorder in nurses.



The percentageΒ of nurses who reported misusing prescription drugs in a 2022 study, with 18% of nurses overall screening positive for substance use problems and 6.6% screening positive for substance use disorder.



How Much Should I Be Making as a Nurse or Nurse Practitioner?

To know whether you are making a fair wage as a nurse or nurse practitioner, it is important to know your state’s average pay. How do I find that out? Thankfully, there are companies and government agencies out there sharing this information!

  • For RNs, click here.

  • For LPNs & LVNs, click here.

  • For NPs, click here.

How does your job stack up?

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New Thing Nurse helps the nursing and NP community land dream jobs! Join us on IG or Facebook @newthingnurse.


Powerful Pumpkin Spice

It’s common knowledge that pumpkin spice rules fall, but did you know that the spices and gourd in your holiday pies and autumn lattes can actually be beneficial to your health?


Love Stinks! No, That’s Just C-diff!

Stink Balm is an odor blocker that you can carry in your pocket and apply discreetly under your nose as needed, perfect for getting through a β€œcode brown”!


The Secret Life of Pets in Nursing Homes?

Scout, the dog, escaped from the animal shelter several times and made himself comfortable at Meadow Brook Medical Care Facility, a nursing home for senior residents. The staff adopted him and Scout has brought joy to the residents ever since.


Come back tomorrow for more financial tips and tricks from Savannah at Networth Nurse!

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