What AI can and can’t do in healthcare.
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Good Morning, Readers!

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we have an article written by a nurse writer and friend to TNB who was diagnosed with breast cancer at 36, Alexandra Prabhu. Alex’s blogΒ forced us to take a look at how we honor healthcare holidays. What do organizations do to authentically commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness Month besides associate it with an exuberant amount of pink ribbons and what more can we do to help those who need us most?

Today's Top Beats

🩸 Perplexing Periods
❀️ Breast CA Awareness

🤖 AI Nurses

ceo picture

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Be kind.
Tamara AL-Yassin

Chief Executive Officer


No Better, No Worse

Doctors inappropriately prescribe medications to older patients at about the same rate as nurse practitioners, according to a new study. Among more than 23,000 NPs and 50,000 primary care physicians who wrote at least 100 prescriptions a year to patients age 65 and older, the rate of prescribing medications that older adults shouldn’t receive was 1.7% for both groups, counteracting the claim that NP care is inferior.

Are They Really Guilty Though?

Helena Dahnweih of Iowa is just one of possibly hundreds of nurses still fighting to get their licenses reinstated after suspensions following the massive nursing degree scam that led to 25 arrests in January. Though it’s been almost a year since the scheme was uncovered, many nurses say they did the work, attended classes, didn’t pay for their degree, and passed the NCLEX, so their licenses should be valid. Nearly 100 nurses are represented by a single attorney in Philadelphia.

Perplexing Periods

Despite a long history of underfunding in women’s health, researchers are finally learning more about what’s happening in women’s brains during menstruation. Neuroscientists recently published a preliminary report on the structural changes they found occurring throughout the brain during women’s periods. The researchers studied MRI scans of 30 women’s brains during different phases of their monthly cycles and compared the findings to hormone levels during each scan. It’s still unclear what the shifts they observed mean in daily life.



The reduced risk of death in babies born to mothers who received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine during pregnancy.Β 



Will AI Take My Job?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already a part of many healthcare technologies, often intersecting with nursing tasks and patient care spaces. AI has been used in healthcare for decades without most nursing professionals knowing it.Β 

AI is already used in clinical decision support, mobile health, sensor-based tech, and voice assistant capacities integrated into EHR systems. AI technology can process vast amounts of data very quickly, which supports adaptive workflows, identifying risks, and recommending interventions.Β 

Nurses need to consider what AI is currently able to do and cannot doβ€”staying up-to-date on tech in healthcare by following Tech Tuesdays with Nurse Manny and trends in healthcare AI. When AI tech is implemented in your workplace, join the team as a nurse champion! The more you know, the better positioned you will be in the future for a wide variety of jobs.

new thing nurse headshot

New Thing Nurse helps the nursing and NP community land dream jobs! Join us on IG or Facebook @newthingnurse.


I’m a Nurse and I Was Diagnosed with Breast Cancer at 36

Breast cancer is the most common cancer for women under forty. Younger women are more likely to be diagnosed at a later stage with more aggressive cancer subtypes


OMG, Shoes!

These fluid-resistant, stylish shoes were created by two male nurses who wanted more out of their work shoes.


We Appreciate Our Pastoral and Spiritual Care Providers!

This week marks Pastoral and Spiritual Care Week, and the theme is focused on mental health in chaplaincy. Give your team’s spiritual care provider a huge shout-out and share the NACC’s Virtual Career Fair with them!


We’ve got more financial insight from Savannah at Networth Nurse coming in tomorrow’s newsletter!

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