The shift sometimes doesn’t end after we clock out.
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Good Morning, Readers!

Last month, I had the honor of interviewing Sarah DiGreggorio, author of Taking Care, a story of nursing and its power to change the world. Read about our interview here.

Reflecting on my conversation with Sarah, I now want to hear from you: why do you think nursing is so powerful? Email me and let me know!

Today's Top Beats

🦸 Nurse Saves the Day
❌ Staffing Violations
💊 Happy Pills?

COO Picture

Stay Curious!
Hannah W. Berns
Chief Operating Officer

A Nurse’s Job Is Never Done

Courtney Johnson, a nurse at Dignity Health Chandler Regional Medical Center’s trauma intensive care unit in Arizona, didn’t let the life-saving end after her overnight shift. On her way home one night, she saw a man banging on an SUV that had hit a curb. She immediately knew something was wrong when she saw the driver’s face. She started CPR on the pulseless man until first responders jumped to jumpstart his heart with a defibrillator. The man, doctors later found, had a 99% carotid artery blockage.

A Hand Delivered Proposal

Contract negotiations at Ascension Seton Medical Center in Austin, Texas, took an odd turn last week. The hospital canceled a bargaining session with the National Nurses Organizing Committee, an affiliate of National Nurses United after union members hand-delivered their staffing proposal. Nurses say Ascension had ample opportunities to settle the contract and improve unsafe working conditions, such as the 6-to-1 nurse-to-patient staffing ratios the nurses sometimes face. On the other hand, Ascension says the union’s unusual move was unprofessional and disrespectful and amounts to a public stunt.

Stick to the Ratios

Federation of Nurses/UFT members are crying foul over NYU Langone Hospital-Brooklyn’s alleged unsafe staffing. The union claims the hospital hasn’t stuck to safe staffing levels mandated by the state for intensive and critical care patients, not to mention the hospital’s clinical staffing plan — documenting more than 30 alleged violations. According to the union, the violations have led to an uptick in patient falls, “bedsore” complaints, and nurse turnover. 



The number of jobs added to the healthcare sector in August. Comparatively, this count is above July’s addition of 63,000 and June’s addition of 41,100 healthcare jobs.



Happy Pill, Anyone? No Thanks!

There are plenty of natural ways to boost our feel-good hormones! These help our mood, feel pleasure, promote positive feelings, give us more clarity of mind, help us learn, sleep, and can help with various bodily functions. 

Here are some of the activities you can do now to boost these happy hormones and get energized! 

Dopamine: The reward giver and motivator

  • Completing tasks, eating a well-balanced diet with adequate protein, getting good sleep, going outside

Oxytocin: Feel the love

  • Hugs, intimacy, playing with pets, playing with your children, holding hands, giving/getting compliments

Serotonin: The mood booster

  • Aerobic exercise, walking in nature, swimming, meditating, being in the sunshine

Endorphins: Pain killer extraordinaire 

  • Laughing, exercising, intimacy, eating dark chocolate, massage

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Self-Care Catalyst helps healthcare professionals optimize their wellbeing and eliminate burnout through mentorship, education, and community. Connect here!


Tell Us About Your Care Setting

Tell us about the care setting you work, or would like to work in, in to be entered to win one of three $100 Amazon gift cards.


A TNB Exclusive Interview with Sarah DiGregorio

Sarah DiGregiorio is seeking to foster a broader understanding of nurses among the public and to help nurses understand their value in healthcare through her book, Taking Care.


Free CEUs!

Is your nursing license up for renewal? Earn some free nursing CEUs with this course about the Covid pandemic’s impact on mental health or a sexual harassment training course from ANCC-accredited provider Wild Iris Medical Education.


Another Naughty Nurse

Abigail Hall, a registered nurse, was arrested for stealing morphine from the Heritage Hall nursing facility. Hall admitted she replaced bottles of stolen morphine with water and blue food coloring to resemble real medication.


Hurry back tomorrow for advice from Sarah at New Thing Nurse on how to correctly list your credentials!

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