Find out in today’s PRN column with Networth Nurse!
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Happy Fri-YAY, Readers!

We made it to the weekend! Whether you’re on or off shift over the next few days, we hope you get a little downtime for yourself to relax. You deserve it! If you only have a few minutes to spare, we’ve got you covered! Here’s a quick yoga routine, a guided meditation, or a stretch session you can do right in your bed! Be good to yourself; it’s a Team TNB order!

Today's Top Beats

🛑 Stop the Assaults

🩷 NAHN Nurses

💲 Money Scripts

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Team TNB
For nurses, by nurses

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Stopping the Assault

If passed, a bipartisan bill would make it a federal crime to knowingly assault a hospital worker. While most states have implemented laws to protect these workers from violence, federal protections don’t exist. The Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees Act mirrors protections for aircraft and airport workersΒ β€”Β a fine and/or a prison sentence of ten years maximum, doubled if weapons are involved, bodily injury occurs, or a public emergency is in place. The bill would also support violence training programs and infrastructure improvements like metal detectors and panic buttons.

Hospital Escape Artist

Not everyone is a fan of hospitals β€” but not everyone would rappel out of a fifth-story window to get out of one. Yenchun Chen was arrested for criminal possession of a controlled substance and taken to the hospital for cardiac issues in early August. He asked authorities for towels, which he used to make his grand escape, climbing down to the second floor, where he landed on an air conditioning unit and used a ladder to reach the street. He was later arrested again earlier this week and taken to Bellevue Hospital.Β 

You’re Not a Nurse!

Yet another person has been caught impersonating a nurse. From January 2017 to December 2019, Nora Avila allegedly pretended to be a nurse at multiple home health companies in Texas. Worse yet, Avila, who supposedly got her job through a Job Corps program, was employed as a nurse trainer assigned to train future nurses! She faces threeΒ charges of aggravated identity theft and making false statements related to healthcare. She faces up to five years in prison and up to a $750,000 fine for all three counts.



The percentage ofphysician assistants (PAs) intend to leave the profession within the next year. Additionally, 30% of PAs report at least one symptom of burnout.



Beware of These Money Scripts!

You likely have several deep-rooted, negative beliefs about money without realizing it! A few of the negative money scripts we’ve heard growing up:Β 

  • Money doesn’t buy happiness!

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees!

  • Money is the root of all evil!Β 

Pair this with never having learned about money in school, never discussing it at the dinner table, and now, as working adults, we aren’t supposed to discuss pay with our co-workers! No wonder there is a stigma about money. This has led to over 90% of millennials not saving enough for retirement.

What can we do to fix these stigmas?

  • Individuals: Create a personalized plan, educate yourself often, and know your why!

  • Couples: Set scheduled money dates with your partner to discuss goals and outline shared values.

  • Organizations: Implement financial wellness programs that provide your staff with ongoing support and guidance.

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Savannah Arroyo, MSN, RN is the founder of Networth Nurse and InvestHealth. Connect with her here.


NAHN: The Nation's Leading Voice For Latino Nurses

Since 1975, the National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) has been the Nation’s leading professional society for Latino nurses.


NICU Rockstars!

Today on Neonatal Nurses Day, gift your favorite NICU nurse this β€œNICU Nurses Rock” keychain from Every Tiny Thing, an organization founded by long-time NICU nurse, Trish Ringley.


Little Babies, Big Job

We celebrate Neonatal Nurses Day today to appreciate the hard work of nurses caring for neonatal infants. Curious about the day in the life of a NICU nurse? Check out NICU nurse, Leighton Sanders’, vlog of her typical workday!


BCEN Learn Live

November 13-15, 2023 | Charlotte, NC

Learn. Connect. Refresh at BCEN Learn Live. Build your clinical and leadership chops in adult/pediatric emergency, trauma and burn nursing interactive TED talk-style CE seminars.


Looking for a side hustle? Check out our career page here to see our current list of TNB open roles!

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