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Good Morning, Readers!

Raise your hand if you’ve ever struggled with sleep between shifts. 🙋 That was me working the night shift for many years! It’s hard to get into a sleep routine, no matter your work shift. That is why TNB has partnered with Thorne to uncover your unique sleep challenges and identify where you might need extra help to catch better zzzs. Take our survey and be entered to win a Sleep Bundle.

Today's Top Beats

🧠 Pandemic Memories
🦃 Thanksgiving Strike
💤 How Do You Sleep?

COO Picture

Stay Curious!
Hannah W. Berns
Chief Operating Officer

New Public Health Coalition

AHIP (formerly America's Health Insurance Plans), the Alliance of Community Health Plans, the American Hospital Association, the American Medical Association, and Kaiser Permanente have formed a new public health group called Common Health Coalition. The coalition is taking lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic to improve coordination between public health and healthcare systems, develop emergency preparedness plans, tackle health disparities, and strengthen infectious disease detection. The group plans to release recommendations to the healthcare industry and policymakers in 2024.

Memories of Pandemic Past

New research suggests your perceptions of how you felt at different points of the pandemic are guided by vaccination-related attitudes β€” and not very accurate. A new series of studies surveyed participants about their pandemic-related perceptions, behaviors, and trust in 2020 and again at the end of 2022. They found that vaccinated individuals tended to overestimate their past risk perceptions while unvaccinated individuals tended to underestimate their risk perceptions, but offering β€œsignificant monetary incentives” reduced this recall distortion. This distortion affects how people respond to future pandemic threats.

Striking on Thanksgiving

More than 500 nurses at Ascension Saint Joseph-Joliet are gearing up to strike on Nov. 21–22, according to the Illinois Nurses Association. Union members have previously voted to authorize a series of strikes, with the Thanksgiving week strikes to be the first. The union also previously held a strike in August but says hospital management refused to β€œbargain in good faith,” stressing the lack of agreements to address pay and staffing issues.Β 



The increased risk of blood cancer a child experiences from a single CT scan.


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What would Drinking 30% Less Do For You?

As healthcare providers, you have first-hand experience the trauma and stress on an unimaginable level due to the pandemic, internal workplace struggles, and a mass exodus of caregivers leaving bedside care. As a result, there has been an increase in the number of providers who are turning to alcohol to cope. In a recent study of 1170 nurses, 65% of the cohort tested positive for substance abuse problems.

It’s hard to say no to a martini after a stressful shift, especially when your entire unit is heading out together. This makes it incredibly hard to cut down on alcohol consumption. But what if there was a way you could still have a drink, but do it mindfully?

Sunnyside is revolutionizing the approach to mindful drinking through a two-way SMS platform that allows you to create a drinking intention for your week ahead, based on your shift schedule. Track your drinks through texts and emojis and receive instant support through coaches ready to chat. A 3-minute quiz is all it takes to get started and as a TNB reader, you get 20% off your first year!




Welcome to NO-vember! Let’s focus on the power of setting boundaries.Β  It’s time to take control of your professional and personal life STAT! BoundariesΒ are just a limit. You are making it clear what you are or are not available for. Not so scary huh? They protect your well-being, and help you maintain energy and enthusiasm for your job. Here are some simple steps you can take today:

Educate Your Support System: Communicate the importance of your downtime and your schedule without guilt or overthinking.Β 

Create a Relaxation Ritual: Develop a daily or weekly wind down routine/ritual that helps you recharge. What would feel good?Β Β 

Use Technology Mindfully: Set limits for checking work-related messages, consider muting non-urgent notifications during your off-hours to disconnect if you can.

Learn the Art of Assertiveness: It's okay to express your needs clearly and professionally. Stick to the facts and know your worth.Β 

selfcare catalyst headshot

Self-Care Catalyst helps healthcare professionals optimize their wellbeing and eliminate burnout through mentorship, education, and community. Connect here!


Wise Word of the Month: Position

As nurses, how can you position yourselves to better serve the patients and the hospital, and use your position for the good of the people?Β 


Worth theΒ Weight

If you haven’t bought yourself a weighted blanket yet, now’s your chance! BlanQuil’s popular quilted weighted blanket with removable cover is on sale and has a lifetime warranty.


We Love Our NPs!

This week marks National Nurse Practitioner Week. Share the 2023 NP Week Resource Guide with your NP Bestie, and check out what’s happening during #NPWeek on social media!


Share Your FeastΒ 

It's that time of year again when we come together to give thanks and feast like there's no tomorrow in the breakroom. We're cooking up a series of recipes san want to include yours! Share your favorite dishes and enter to win a $5 Starbucks card.


Do you know how to find a virtual nursing job? Come back tomorrow when Sarah at New Thing Nurse tells us how!Β 

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